Kickstarter Supporters

Thank you to each and every inTANDEM Kickstarter backer, across all tier levels, who made this project possible. We truly couldn’t have brought inTANDEM to life without you!

Kickstarter Sponsors

These supporters pledged additional funds to support this issue of inTANDEM.

Ann Ryan
Fiber Circle Studio
Handmade By Arhely
Hearts on Fiber
Inch By Inchworm Inspirations
Jill Leary of Jill and Kiddles Yarn
Joey Wojtowicz
Nancy Victorino, Tech Editor, IG: @knitwise_te
Rosegold Yarn
Tippy Tree Yarns
Tinkers Hollow

  • Photography

    Anna-Lisa and Kristi of A Day in the Light Photography

  • Accessibility Editor

  • Photoshoot Hosts

    Jessica’s in-laws, who shared their property for our photoshoot

    Kristi’s family, who shared their home as a meeting point for our beach photoshoot

    All photos were taken in Oregon, USA.

  • Test Knitters

    All test knitters who contributed to this issue

  • Knit Models

    Alba Henderson

    Alexandra Czuchta

    Colleen Derber

    Emme Von

    Karel Chan

    Stephanie Atkins

  • Accessibility Editor

    Renee Van Hoy