dance through the rhythm of shifting stitches

Dive into our curated collection of knitting patterns inspired by movement and dance! Featuring innovative designs using textured stitches, mesmerizing colorwork, and playful short rows, and crafted by talented designers. Explore six stunning patterns in this issue and ignite your creativity!

Mary Beth Kelso

Reach for the Sky Hat

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Jacki Badger of The Woolly Badger

Campfire Flames Cowl

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Jessica Brist of Snickerdoodle Knits

Gently Flowing Pullover

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Karen Burnett of KarenBDesigns

Pumpkin Spice Socks

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Kristin Strecker-Kellogg of Gourdgeous Knits

Sycamore Scarf

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Bethany Henderson of Fig & Filament

Maple Seed Skirt

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dance through the rhythm of shifting stitches

explore movement, flow, and dance through texture, colorwork, and short rows

Thank you

inTANDEM is a collaborative project that has been made possible by hundreds of people within the knit and crochet community.

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At inTANDEM, we believe in the power of fiber crafts to connect and empower all individuals, regardless of age, sex, gender, orientation, size, or ability. We are committed to creating an inclusive community that celebrates the diversity of our crafters and values the unique contributions of each individual. We strive to provide a welcoming and supportive environment where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. Through our content and initiatives, we aim to promote accessibility, inclusivity, and diversity in the world of knitting and crochet, ensuring that all folx can participate and enjoy the beauty of our craft.